Dental Health

Snoring not only disturbs your sleep, but it can also affect the sleep of your bed partner and can indicate a medical condition. Consistent loud snoring has been linked to obstructive sleep apnea and central sleep apnea, serious sleep disorders that can have far-reaching consequences to your overall health. Dental Horizons in Longmont provides breathing and sleep apnea treatment to help you get a better night’s rest.

Air flows through your nose, mouth, and throat when you breathe. If there is a blockage in the airway, it causes the tissues to vibrate, resulting in a rumbling noise that is commonly known as snoring. Snoring can come and go throughout the night, and occasional snoring is usually not a cause for concern, as not everyone who snores has sleep apnea.  However, further investigation is recommended when snoring is loud enough to disturb the sleep of people around you. As we start our patient’s sleep apnea treatment, we emphasize understanding the cause behind their snoring. Common causes of snoring include

  • Age
    As we age, muscle tone decreases, and airways shrink. Following a healthy lifestyle, adopting better bedtime habits, and throat exercises can sometimes help.
  • Weight
    Poor muscle tone and fatty tissues can be significant causes of snoring. Excessive fat around the neck or in the throat can contribute to snoring. Losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can naturally help.
  • Nasal and sinus issues
    Nasal congestion, allergies, and the common cold can cause snoring. Snoring is often seen in pregnant women due to hormonal changes.
  • Anatomy
    The size and shape of the tonsils and tongue can further contribute to snoring. Big tonsils, enlarged adenoids, and large tongues can make adequate airflow challenging.
  • Genetics
    Snoring tends to run in families. If a parent snores, the condition will likely be passed on to the child.

You can find endless options in over-the-counter anti-snoring devices, but finding the right one can be challenging and time-consuming. On the other hand, improving your lifestyle by adopting healthy habits during sleep apnea treatment can aid in ending the pattern of snoring.

Here are seven effective ways to help you stop snoring during sleep apnea treatment.

  1. Sleeping on one side – Try sleeping on your side instead of your back. Use a wedge pillow and place it against the small of your back to help stop you from rolling onto your back. Once you develop a habit of sleeping on the side, you can remove the pillow.

  1. Adjustable bed – Sleeping in an inclined bed can help relieve your snoring. Sleeping in a position where the head is elevated can improve airflow during sleep.

  1. Lifestyle changes – Staying active, avoiding alcohol and tobacco, and maintaining an ideal body weight can effectively reduce snoring.

  1. Medication – It is important to clear nasal congestion and sinuses for smooth airflow. Avoid taking sleeping pills, sedatives, and alcohol, which can interfere with breathing during sleep.

  1. Exercise – Generally, exercise will help you reduce body weight, which helps reduce snoring. However, exercises specifically for the throat can strengthen the throat muscles and reduce snoring caused by slack muscles.

  1. Mouthguard – Wearing a customized mouthguard while sleeping opens the airways by bringing the lower jaw and tongue forward, allowing for adequate airflow.

  1. Nasal strips – Wearing nasal strips keeps nasal passages open. This supports breathing during sleep and helps reduce snoring.

Ensure you sleep in a moist and clean environment. A humidifier can help moisturize the air and prevent swollen throat muscles.

Developing these healthy sleep habits alongside breathing and sleep apnea treatment can dramatically reduce snoring. Dental Horizons in Longmont provides effective sleep apnea treatment to help you get a good night’s sleep.

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